
Let me just be honest.
Want to do this.

I don’t want to bear my struggles openly with you because I am a private person. No one wants to say to the world, “I have anxiety! I require a little more patience than the average person!”


But, Jesus had other plans. I fought this blog for about 6 months. And then I got on board. I had everything ready to go right before my birthday back in June, and then life went a little awry and it got put on the back burner. And then I was going to cancel it. And then I started praying SPECIFICALLY for God to guide my steps. And with every prayer, He would put this blog on my heart – all night long He would put it there. And so here we are.

I am not sure where this thing is going to go. But I believe in His leading and I believe it’s meant for me to share my story, as much as I still don’t really want to. I’ve become aware of lots of people lately who are suffering with anxiety/panic attacks. Maybe this is for them, maybe it’s for me – just a place to vent and talk and let stuff out. Whatever the reason, I’m trying to be obedient to His plan.

Basically I’ve had enough of anxiety. I’ve had enough of my “comfort zone” and existing. I want to LIVE. (You should see my bucket list.) I want to chase my dreams, and get uncomfortable. I have no idea how that’s going to happen and right now quite frankly typing those words scare the snot out of me. But you know what? That’s OK, I’m ready. This blog will hold me accountable. I hope to dive deep into my walk with Jesus and share with you what I’m learning. I want to really study the body and how the brain works and get to the root of my fears, all the good and all the bad. I’ll write about it and hopefully inspire someone else along the way. Because I think it’s high time those of us living with anxiety and depression have a voice – even if those of us struggling with mental issues are the only ones listening. We have worth too.

I have worth. YOU have worth.

I am here for you.

In Him,
